UBITECH has delivered several mission-critical IT projects in several domains, such as financial, retail, banking, security, etc. In parallel, the company is active in several cutting-edge research projects mainly in the areas of cloud orchestration, digital security, risk management, as well as, knowledge engineering and data management. Through the synergy of commercial and research projects, the company has acquired significant and invaluable experience and technological know-how.
To this end, all engineers of ours have high technological expertise and specialized know-how, which is internally spread through a synergetic knowledge transfer process. To this end, our engineers are continuously evolving their atomic competencies, while, in parallel, contributing in the evolution of their colleagues.
After, the successful and punctual delivery of so many projects, UBITECH’s software engineering department has emphasized on a best-of-breed technological stack that combines:
- Spring-based implementation of back-end services (mainly in Java 8);
- Adoption of micro-service architecture that guarantees horizontal scalability;
- Usage of Polyglot persistency schemes that combine the merits of a) relational databases for transactional purposes (e.g. MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MariaDB), b) NoSQL engines for scalable read-once/write-many operations (e.g. Mongo, Cassandra), and c) Graph databases for efficient graph queries(e.g. Neo4J);
- Complete separation of front-end and back-end business logic using REST layer while using Thymeleaf for rendering;
- Adoption of responsive templates;
- End-to-end security through the combination of symmetric and asymmetric encryption techniques with digital signing and verification techniques;
- Big data frameworks (e.g. Spark, Hadoop) and streaming frameworks (e.g. Kafka);
- Business Process Management frameworks (e.g. JBPM) and rule management frameworks (e.g. Drools);
- Usage of several low-level hypervisor APIs (e.g. KVM, ESXI); and
- Usage of several application and balancing servers such as Jboss, Apache, Tomcat, WebLogic, Resin, NginX, Haproxy.
At this point, it should be clarified that UBITECH adopts a state-of-the-art software lifecycle management methodology during the software development process. Every Project or Product is treated with the same sense of professionalism, irrelevant to its size or cost. The usage of state-of-the-art tools, such as Git (for Version Controlling), Jenkins (for Continuous Integration), Sonar (for Quality control), MAVEN (for Project Organization) and Nexus (for Artifact Management), guarantee that the delivered Projects or Products meet the highest qualitative standards. Irrelevant of the development methodologies that can be applied in a Project (Test-driven or Behavior-driven), we believe, in UBITECH, that the human factor is the substantial differentiation factor. Highly trained personnel and team spirit is the only proven guarantee of success and quality.
Finally, during the last years, UBITECH invests in security. Security threats have significantly increased. This potentially affects the integrity of any customer of ours. As a result, using specific methodologies (e.g. security audits, regular pen-testing) and tools (e.g. Acunetix, BurpSuite Pro), we guarantee the security of our delivered products.