Papamartzivanos, D., Menesidou, S., Gouvas, P., & Giannetsos, T. (2021) A Perfect Match: Converging and Automating Privacy and Security Impact Assessment On-the-Fly. Future Internet 2021, 13(2), 30; https://doi.org/10.3390/fi13020030
Petrou, P., Karagiorgou, S. & Alexandrou, D. (2021) A Weighted Load Balancing Approach over Streaming Data exploiting SDN Mechanisms for Online Model Updates. In 1st International Workshop on Data Analytics and Machine Learning Made Simple. Co-located with EDBT 2021, Nicosia, Cyprus, March 23, 2021.
Afzal-Houshmand, S., Homayoun, S., & Giannetsos, T. (2021) A Perfect Match: Deep Learning Towards Enhanced Data Trustworthiness in Crowd-Sensing Systems. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 2021. Luxembourg, July 11-14, 2021.
Miltiadou, D., Pitsios, S., Spyropoulos, D., Alexandrou, D., Lampathaki, F., Messina, D., & Perakis, K. (2021) A Secure Experimentation Sandbox for the Design and Execution of Trusted and Secure Analytics in the Aviation Domain. In Security and Privacy in New Computing Environments, Springer International Publishing. Third EAI International Conference, SPNCE 2020, Lyngby, Denmark, August 6-7, 2020, Proceedings.
Verginadis, Y., Apostolou, D., Taherizadeh, S., Ledakis, I., Mentzas, G., Tsagkaropoulos, A., Papageorgiou, N., & Paraskevopoulos, F. (2021) PrEstoCloud – A Novel Framework Able To Dynamically Manage Data-Intensive Multi-Cloud, Fog, And Edge Function-As-A-Service Applications. In Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ)34(1). (IRMJ-060220-120119) DOI: 10.4018/IRMJ.2021010104
Roman, D., Nikolov, N., Elveseater, B., Soylu, A., Pronan, R., Kimovski, D., Marrella, A., Leotta, F., Matskin, M., Ledakis, G., Simonet-Boulogne, A., Perales, F., Kharlamov, E., Ulisses, A., Solberg, A., & Ceccarelli, R. (2021) DataCloud: Enabling the Big Data Pipelines on the Computing Continuum. In the 15th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2021), 11-14 May, 2021.
Perakis, K., Lampathaki, F., Nikas, K., Georgiou, Y. Marko, O., & Maselynef, J. (2020) CYBELE – Fostering precision agriculture & livestock farming through secure access to large-scale HPC enabled virtual industrial experimentation environments fostering scalable big data analytics. In Special Issue “The Big Data Era in IoT-enabled Smart Farming: Systems, Tools, and Techniques” of ELSEVIER Journal of Computer Networks, Volume 168, 26 February 2020, 107035. Available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2019.107035
Georgiou, Y., Zhou, N., Zhong, L., Hoppe, D. , Pospieszny, M., Papadopoulou, N., Nikas, K., Lagkas Nikolos, O., Kranas, P., Karagiorgou, S., Pascolo, E., Mercier, M. & Velho, P. (2020) Converging HPC, Big Data and Cloud technologies for precision agriculture data analytics on supercomputers. In the Springer LNCS Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC 20) held in conjunction with the International Supercomputing Conference – High Performance, June 21-25, 2020, Frankfurt, Germany.
I. Tomkos, D. Klonidis, E. Pikasis and S. Theodoridis, “Toward the 6G Network Era: Opportunities and Challenges,” in IEEE IT Professional, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 34-38, 1 Jan.-Feb. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1109/MITP.2019.2963491
Lagkas, T., Klonidis, D., Sarigiannidis, P., & Tomkos, I. (2020) 5G/NGPON Evolution and Convergence: Developing on Spatial Multiplexing of Optical Fiber Links for 5G Infrastructures. Fiber and Integrated Optics, 39:1, 4-23, DOI: 10.1080/01468030.2020.1725184
Kiourtis, A., Mavrogiorgou, A., Menesidou, S., Gouvas, P., & Kyriazis, D. (2020) A Secure Protocol for Managing and Sharing Personal Healthcare Data. In book: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. Volume 275: Integrated Citizen Centered Digital Health and Social Care. PMID: 33227747 DOI: 10.3233/SHTI200701
Karagiorgou, S., Rountos, C., Chatzimarkaki, G., Vafeiadis, G., Ntalaperas, D., Vergeti, D., Alexandrou, D. (2020) On Making Factories Smarter through Actionable Predictions based on Time-Series Data. Procedia Manufacturing. Volume 51, 2020, Pages 1207-1214
Farao, A., Panda, S., Menesidou, S., Veliou, E., Episkopos, N., Kalatzantonakis-Jullien, G., Mohammadi, F., Georgopoulos, N., Sirivianos, M., Salamanos, N., Loizou, S., Pingos, M., Polley, J., Fielder, A., Panaousis, E., & Xenakis, C. (2020). SECONDO: A Platform for Cybersecurity Investments and Cyber Insurance Decisions. 10.1007/978-3-030-58986-8_5.
Perakis, K., Miltiadou, D., Nigro, A., Torelli, F., Mantas, L., Magdalinou, A., Mavrogiorgou, A., Kyriazis, D. (2020). Data Sources and Gateways: Design and Open Specification. Acta Informatica Medica. 27. 341. 10.5455/aim.2019.27.341-347.
Kyriazis, D., Biran, O., Bouras, T., Brisch, K., Duzha, A., del Hoyo, R., Kiourtis, A., Kranas, P., Maglogiannis, I., Manias, G., Meerkamp, M., Moutselos, K., Mavrogiorgou, A., Michael, P., Munné, R. (2020) PolicyCLOUD: Analytics as a Service Facilitating Efficient Data-Driven Public Policy Management. In: Maglogiannis I., Iliadis L., Pimenidis E. (eds) Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. AIAI 2020. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 583. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-49161-1_13
Miltiadou, D., Pitsios, S., Spyropoulos, D., Alexandrou, D., Lampathaki, F., Messina, D., Perakis, K. (2020) A big data intelligence marketplace and secure analytics experimentation platform for the aviation industry. In 10th EAI International Conference on Big Data Technologies and Applications (EAI BDTA 2020). December 11, 2020.
Zafeiropoulos, A., Fotopoulou, E., Peuster, M., Schneider, S., Gouvas, P., Behnke, D., ; Müller, M., Bök, P., Trakadas, P., Karkazis, P., & Karl, H. (2020) Benchmarking and Profiling 5G Verticals’ Applications: An Industrial IoT Use Case. 6th IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), Ghent, Belgium, 2020, pp. 310-318, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9165393/
Mavrogiorgou, A., Kiourtis, A., Perakis, P., Miltiadou, D., Pitsios, S. & Kyriazis, D. (2019) Analyzing data and data sources towards a unified approach for ensuring end-to-end data and data sources quality in healthcare 4.0. In ELSEVIER Journal of Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. Available online 29 June 2019, 104967: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.06.026
Rusti, B., Stefanescu, H., Iordache, M., Ghenta, J., Patachia, C., Gouva, P., Zafeiropoulos, A., Fotopoulou, E., Wang, Q. & Calero, J. (2019) 5G Smart City Vertical Slice. In the Proceedings of the 2019 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM), Arlington, VA, USA. 8-12 April 2019.
Mesogiti, I., Theodoropoulou, E., Lyberopoulos, G., Setaki, F., Ramos, A., Gouvas, P., Zafeiropoulos, A. & Bruschi, R. (2019) MATILDA: A Value Proposition for Telecommunication Service Providers for Vertical Applications’ Integration in a 5G -Ecosystem. In the Proceedings of the European Conference on networks and Communications (EuCNC) 2019, Valencia, Spain, 2019.
Mesogiti, I., Theodoropoulou, E., Lyberopoulos, G., Setaki, F., Ramos, A., Gouvas, P., Zafeiropoulos, A. & Bruschi, R. (2019) A Framework to Support the Role of Telecommunication Service Providers in Evolving 5G Business Models. Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. AIAI 2019. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Crete, Greece, 2019, pp. 60-69.
Bruschi, R., Lombardo, C., Diáz, F., Melián, J., Ramos, A., Toscano, O., Mesogiti, I., Stefanescu, H., Zafeiropoulos, A., Gouvas, P., Fotopoulou, E., Xirofotos, T., Stasinopoulos, N., Trouva, E., Bagaa, M. & Afolabi, I. (2019) OSS for 5G-Ready Applications. MATILDA Whitepaper, European Union, 2019.
Bruschi, R., Bolla, R., Davoli, F., Zafeiropoulos, A. & Gouvas, P. (2019) Mobile Edge Vertical Computing over 5G Network Sliced Infrastructures: an Insight into Integration Approaches. IEEE Communications Magazine, Pisacaway, MA, USA, 2019.
Zarca. A, Bernabe, J., Trapero, R., Rivera, D., Villalobos, J., Skarmeta, A., Bianchi, S., Zafeiropoulos, A. & Gouvas., P. (2019) Security Management Architecture for NFV SDN-aware IoT Systems. In IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Published on 11 March 2019. Available online at 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2904123
Koutroumpouchos, N., Ntantogian, C., Menesidou, S., Liang, K., Gouvas, P., Xenakis, C., Giannetsos, T. (2019) Secure Edge Computing with Lightweight Control-Flow Property-based Attestation. 1st International Workshop on Cyber-Security Threats, Trust and Privacy Management in Software-defined and Virtualized Infrastructures (SecSoft). In conjunction with 5th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft 2019). June 24, 2019, at Paris, France.
Bousdekis, A., Lepenioti, K., Ntalaperas, D., Vergeti, D., Apostolou, D. and Boursinos, V. (2019) A RAMI 4.0 View of Predictive Maintenance: Software Architecture, Platform and Case Studyin Steel Industry. 1st International Workshop on Key Enabling Technologies for Digital Factories. In conjunction with CAiSE 2019. June 4, 2019 at Rome, Italy.
Perakis, K, Kousouris, S., Pitsios, S., Miltiadou, D. & Bikas, G. (2019) Personalised Monitoring and Recommendation Services for At-Risk Individuals Employing Machine-Learning and Decision Support. Presented at the 2019 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), Chicago, IL, USA, during May 19-22, 2019.
Mavrogiorgou, A.; Kiourtis, A.; Perakis, K.; Pitsios, S.; Kyriazis, D. (2019) IoT in Healthcare: Achieving Interoperability of High-Quality Data Acquired by IoT Medical Devices. Sensors 2019, 19, 1978; https://doi.org/10.3390/s19091978
Karagiorgou, S., Vafeiadis, G., Ntalaperas, D., Lykousas, N., Vergeti, D., and Alexandrou, D. (2019) Unveiling Trends and Predictions in Digital Factories. International Workshop on IoT Applications and Industry 4.0 (IoTI4 2019). Santorini Island, Greece. May 29-31, 2019.
Ntalaperas, D., and Bouras, T. (2019) Anonymizing Clinical and Genetic Data of Patients with Minimum Information Loss. In the Proceedings of the 5th Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2019). Darmstadt, Germany, March 29-30, 2019.
Tsapelas, G., Mouzakitis, S., Kokkinakos, P., Michailitsi, A., Skalidakis, S., Askounis, D., Miltiadou, D., Pitsios, S., Perakis, K. (2018) Enabling collaborative, data-driven intelligence for the Maritime Sector. The Twelfth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM 2018), Athens, Greece, November 18-22, 2018.
Vergeti D., Ntalaperas D., Alexandrou D. (2018) Semantically Enhanced Interoperability in Health Emergency Management. In: Panetto H., Debruyne C., Proper H., Ardagna C., Roman D., Meersman R. (eds) On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems. OTM 2018 Conferences. OTM 2018. Valletta, Malta, October 22-26, 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11230. Springer, Cham. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-02671-4_23
Carrega, A., Repetto, M., Risso, F., Covaci, S., Zafeiropoulos, A., Giannetsos, T., Toscano, O, (2018), Situational Awareness in Virtual Networks: The ASTRID Approach. CloudNet 2018: 1-6
Karagiorgou, S., Ntalaperas, D., Vafeiadis, G., Alexandrou, D., (2018) An Ontology-Driven Elderly People Home Mobilization Approach. First International Workshop on Semantic Web Technologies for Health Data Management (SWH 2018) co-located with the 17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2018), Monterey, California, USA, October 9, 2018.
Dinh-Xuan, L., Seufert, M., Wamser, F., Vassilakis, C., Zafeiropoulos, A., Tran-Gia, P. (2018) Performance Evaluation of Service Functions Chain Placement Algorithms in Edge Cloud. International Teletraffic Congress ITC 30, Austria, Vienna, September 4-7, 2018.
Ledakis, I., Gouvas, P., Kioumourtzis, G., Skitsas, M. (2018) Adaptive Edge and Fog Computing Paradigm for Wide Area Video and Audio Surveillance. 9th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2018), Zakynthos, Greece, July 23-25, 2018.
Kyriazis, D., Doulkeridis, C., Gouvas, P., Jimenez-Peris, R., Ferrer, A., Kallipolitis, L., Kranas, P., Kousiouris, G., Macdonald, C., McCreadie, R., Papageorgiou, A., Patino-Martinez, M., Plitsos, S., Poulopoulos, D., Paradell, A., Ta-Shma, P., Vassilakis, C., Vianello, V. (2018) BigDataStack: A Holistic Data-driven Stack for Big Data Applications and Operations. IEEE International Congress on Big Data. San Francisco, CA, USA, July 2-7, 2018.
Vaitis, M., Feidas, H., Symeonidis, P., Kopsachilis, V., Ntalaperas, D., Koukourouvli, N., Simos, D., Taskaris, S. (2018) Development of a spatial database and web-GIS for the climate of Greece. Springer Journal on Earth Sciense Informatics (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-018-0351-9
Zafeiropoulos, A., Gouvas, P., Fotopoulou, E., Tsiolis, G., Xirofotos, T., Bonnet, J., Carrozzo, G., Rizou, S., Gavras, A., Barros, M., Costa-Perez, X., Prasad, A., Gramaglia, M., Tzanakaki, A., Simeonidou, D., Cosmas, J., Fallgren, M., Muñoz, R., Vilalta, R. (2018) Enabling Vertical Industries Adoption of 5G Technologies: a Cartography of evolving solutions. 27th European Conference of Networks and Communications (EUCNC 2018), Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 18-21 , 2018.
Parada, C., Bonnet, J., Fotopoulou, E., Zafeiropoulos, A., Kapassa, E., Touloupou, M., Kyriazis, D., Vilalta, R., Muñoz, R., Casellas, R., Martinez, R., Xilouris, G. (2018) A Beyond-MANO Service Platform. 27th European Conference of Networks and Communications (EUCNC 2018), Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 18-21 , 2018.
Gouvas, P., Zafeiropoulos, A., Fotopoulou, E., Xirofotos, T. (2018) Separation of concerns among application and network services orchestration in a 5G ecosystem. 27th European Conference of Networks and Communications (EUCNC 2018), Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 18-21 , 2018.
Zafeiropoulos, A., Fotopoulou, E., González-Vidal, A., Skarmeta, A. (2018) Detaching the design, development and execution of big data analysis processes: A case study based on energy and behavioral analytics. Workshop on User Centric Smart Cities Services UCSC 2018, Global IoT Summit 2018, Bilbao, Spain, June 4-7, 2018.
Antoniades A., Aristodimou A., Georgousopoulos C., Forgó N., Gledson A., Hasapis P., Vandeleur C., Perakis K., Sahay R., Mehdi M., Demetriou C.A., Strippoli M.F, Giotaki V., Ioannidi10 M., Tian D., Tozzi F., Kean J., Pattichis C. (2017) Advancing clinical research by semantically interconnecting aggregated medical data information in a secure context. Published in Health and Technology, Springer Verlag, vol. 7, issue 22, art. 184, DOI: 10.1007/s12553-017-0188-0
Chauvel F., Vasilevskiy A., Rossini A., Zafeiropoulos A., and Gouvas P. (2017) ARCADIA: Towards and Beyond TOSCA Orchestrations. ERK 2017: 26th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference.
Verginadis, Y., Michalas, A., Gouvas, P., Schiefer, G., Hübsch, G., and Paraskakis, I., “PaaSword: A Holistic Data Privacy and Security by Design Framework for Cloud Services,” Journal of Grid Computing, 2017. doi:10.1007/s10723-017-9394-2
Ntalaperas, D., Bouras, T., and Di Fuccio, R. (2017) Utilizing High Performance Computing Techniques for efficiently anonymizing sensitive patient data. In the proceedings of the Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC) 2017, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 2017.
Fotopoulou, E.; Zafeiropoulos, A.; Terroso-Sáenz, F.; Şimşek, U.; González-Vidal, A.; Tsiolis, G.; Gouvas, P.; Liapis, P.; Fensel, A.; Skarmeta, A. Providing Personalized Energy Management and Awareness Services for Energy Efficiency in Smart Buildings. Sensors 2017, 17, 2054.
Gouvas, P., Zafeiropoulos, A., Vassilakis, C., Fotopoulou, E., Tsiolis, G., Bruschi, R., Bolla, R., Davoli, F. (2017), Design, Development and Orchestration of 5G-Ready Applications over Sliced Programmable Infrastructure. First International Workshop on Softwarized Infrastructures for 5G and Fog Computing, ITC 29, Genoa, Italy, September 2017
Fotopoulou, E., Zafeiropoulos, A., Saenz, F.T., Gonzalez, A., Skarmeta, A., Şimşek, U., Fensel, A. (2017), Data Aggregation, Fusion and Recommendations for Strengthening Citizens Energy-aware Behavioural Profiles, Global IoT Summit, EESIoT 2017 Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2017
Mouzakitis, S., Papaspyros, D., Petychakis, M., Koussouris, S., Zafeiropoulos, A., Fotopoulou, E., Farid, L., Orlandi, F., Attard, J., Psarras, J. (2017), Challenges and opportunities in renovating public sector information by enabling linked data and analytics, Information Systems Frontiers 19(2): 321-336 (2017)
Bassiliades, N., Symeonidis, M., Meditskos, G., Kontopoulos, E., Gouvas, P. & Vlahavas, I. (2017) A semantic recommendation algorithm for the PaaSport platform-as-a-service marketplace, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 67, January 2017, Pages 203-227, ISSN 0957-4174
Ntalapers, D. (2016), An approach for anonymization of sensitive clinical and genetic data based on Data Cube Structures, Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC) 2016, Cork, Ireland, September 2016.
Gouvas, P., Fotopoulou, E., Zafeiropoulos, A. & Vassilakis, C. (2016), A Context Model and Policies Management Framework for Reconfigurable-by-design Distributed Applications, Cloud Forward Conference 2016, Madrid, Spain, October 2016.
Casalea, G., Chestaa, C., Deussena, P., Di Nitto, E., Gouvas, P., Koussouris, S., Stankovski, V., Symeonidis, A., Vlassiou, V., Zafeiropoulos, A. & Zhaoa, Z. (2016), Current and Future Challenges of Software Engineering for Services and Applications, Cloud Forward Conference 2016, Madrid, Spain, October 2016.
Mouzakitis, S., Papaspyros, D., Petychakis, M., Koussouris, S., Zafeiropoulos, A., Fotopoulou, E., Farid, L., Orlandi, F., Attard, J. and Psarras, J. (2016), Challenges and opportunities in renovating public sector information by enabling linked data and analytics, Information Systems Frontiers, 2016, pp. 1-16, doi=”10.1007/s10796-016-9687-1″.
Şimşek, U., Fensel, A., Zafeiropoulos, A., Fotopoulou, E., Liapis, P., Bouras, T., Saenz, F.T. & Skarmeta, A. (2016), A Semantic Approach Towards Implementing Energy Efficient Lifestyles through Behavioural Change, SEMANTiCS 2016 Conference, Leipzig, Germany, September 2016.
Gouvas, P., Vassilakis, C., Fotopoulou, E. & Zafeiropoulos, A. (2016), A Novel Reconfigurable-by-Design Highly Distributed Applications Development Paradigm Over Programmable Infrastructure, PROCON 2016 Workshop, ITC 28 Conference, Würzburg, Germany, September 2016.
Thanh, T., Covaci, S., Magedanz, T., Gouvas, P. and Zafeiropoulos, A. (2016), Embedding Security and Privacy into the Development and Operation of Cloud Applications and Services, 17th International Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (Networks 2016), September 2016
Kostopoulos, S., Glotsos, D., Asvestas, P., Konstandinou, C., Xenogiannopoulos, G., Sidiropoulos, K., Nikolatou, E., Perakis, K., Mantzouratos, S., Sakkis, T., Sakellaropoulos, G., Nikiforidis, G., and Cavouras, D. (2016), An Ensemble Template Matching and Content-based Image Retrieval Scheme Towards Early Stage Detection of Melanoma, Journal of Image Analysis & Stereology, ISSN 1580-3139, DOI: 10.5566/ias.1446.
Verginadis, Y., Gouvas, P., & Braun, S. PaaSword: A Holistic Data Privacy and Security by Design Framework for Cloud Services. SecureCloud 2016. Dublin, Ireland. 24-25 May, 2016.
Fotopoulou, E., Zafeiropoulos, A., Papaspyros, D., Hasapis, P., Tsiolis, G., Bouras, T., Mouzakitis, S. & Zanetti, N. (2016), Linked Data Analytics in Interdisciplinary Studies: the Health Impact of Air Pollution in Urban Areas, IEEE Access Journal, January 2016
Gouvas, P. Fotopoulou, E., Mouzakitis, S. & Zafeiropoulos, A. (2016), Information Driven Cyber Security Management through LinDA, accepted for publication at Book entitled “The success of European projects using new Information and Communication Technologies” by SCITEPRESS, DATA 2015 Conference, Colmar, Alsace, France.
Ntalaperas D., Bothos E., Perakis K., Magoutas B. & Mentzas G., (2015), “DISYS: An Intelligent System for Personalized Nutritional Recommendations in Restaurants”. Accepted at 19th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics 2015 (PCI-2015), Athens, Greece, 1-3 October 2015.
Kapourani, B., Fotopoulou, E., Zafeiropoulos, A., Papaspyros, D., Mouzakitis, S. & Koussouris, S. (2015), Linked Data Analytics for Business Intelligence SMEs: A Pilot Case in the Pharmaceutical Sector, SEMANTiCS 2015 Conference, Poster Session, Vienna, Austria, 16-17 September 2015.
Kapourani, B., Fotopoulou, E., Zafeiropoulos, A., Papaspyros, D., Mouzakitis, S. & Koussouris, S. (2015), Propelling SMEs Business Intelligence through Linked Data Production and Consumption, Accepted at On the Move (OTM) 2015 Conference, EI2N 2015 Workshop, Rhodes, Greece, 26-30 October 2015.
Verginadis, Y., Michalas,A., Gouvas,P., Schiefer, G., Hübsch,G., & Paraskakis, I. (2015) PaaSword: A Holistic Data Privacy and Security by Design Framework for Cloud Services. In the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2015), pp 206-213, 20-22 May 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.
Fotopoulou, E., Hasapis, P., Zafeiropoulos, A., Papaspyros, D., Mouzakitis, S. & Zanetti, N. (2015), Exploiting Linked Data Towards the Production of Added-Value Business Analytics and Vice-versa, Accepted at DATA 2015 Conference, Colmar, Alsace, France, 20-22 July 2015
Glotsos D., Kostopoulos S., Lalissidou S., Sidiropoulos K., Asvestas P., Konstandinou C., Xenogiannopoulos G., Nikolatou E., Perakis K., Bouras T., Cavouras D. (2015) Design of a decision support system, trained on GPU, for assisting melanoma diagnosis in dermatoscopy images. 4th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences. June 5-8, 2015. Mykonos, Greece.
Lorenzini M., Fotopoulou E., Linzalone N., Zafeiropoulos A. & Zanetti N. (2014) EPIDEMIOLOGY 2.0: (LINKED) OPEN DATA ANALYTICS FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF EPIDEMIOLOGICAL TRENDS. Poster in XXXVIII Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Epidemiologia – Il futuro dell’epidemiologia per l’ambiente, la salute e l’equità, Città della Scienza, Napoli, 5-7 November 2014.
Hasapis, P., Fotopoulou, E., Zafeiropoulos, A., Mouzakitis, S., Koussouris, S., Petychakis, M., Kapourani, B., Zanetti, N., Molinari, F., Virtuoso, S. & Rubattino, C. (2014), Business Value Creation from Linked Data Analytics: The LinDA Approach, Accepted at the eChallenges e-2014 Conference, Belfast, Northern lreland, 29-31 October 2014.
Perakis K., Bouras T., Kostopoulos S., Sidiropoulos K., Wayn L. & Timor H., (2014), MARK1 – A Decision Support System for the Early Detection of Malignant Melanoma. Accepted at 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare – “Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies” (MobiHealth), Athens, Greece, 3-5 November 2014.
Gouvas P., Zafeiropoulos A., Perakis K. & Bouras T. (2014), An innovative approach for the protection of healthcare information through the end-to-end pseudo-anonymization of end-users. Accepted at 1st International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare (HealthyIoT), Rome, Italy, 27-28 October 2014..
Gouvas, P., & Zafeiropoulos, A. (2014), Novel Development Paradigm for Deploying Applications over Programmable Infrastructure. Accepted at Workshop on Energy-efficiency, Programmability, Flexibility and Integration in Future Network Architectures at ITC 26, Karlskrona, Sweden, 09-11 September 2014.
Hasnain, A., Kamdar, M., Hasapis, P., Zeginis, D., Warren, C., Deus, H., Ntalaperas, D., Tarabanis, K. & Decker S. (2014),Linked Biomedical Dataspace: Lessons Learned integrating Data for Drug Discovery. In the proceedings of The 13th International Semantic Web Conference, 19-23 October 2014, Riva del Garda – Trentino, Italy.
McCarthy, J., Vasiliu, L., Grody, A., Muckley, C., Lawrence, D., Zervoudakis, F., Tabet,S., van Grondelle,J., Bouras, T. Fernandes, K., Krintas, T., Xidonas, P. Chourdakis, K., & Koumpis, A. (2013) Financial Industry Ontologies for Risk and Regulation Data (FIORD) – A Position Paper. In the Proceedings of the 14th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprise (PRO-VE) in Dresden, Germany, September 30th to October 2nd, 2013.
Ledakis, G., Gouvas, P., Zeginis, D., & Kamateri, E. (2013) Definition and Implementation of an Architecture Targeting the Resolution of Platform-as-a-Service Diversities. Presented at eChallenges 2013, Dublin, Ireland, 09-11 October 2013.
Kamateri, E., Loutas, N., Zeginis, N., Ahtes, J., D’Andria, F., Bocconi, S., Gouvas, P., Ledakis, G., Ravagli, F., Lobunets , O. & Tarabanis, K. (2013) Cloud4SOA: A semantic-interoperability PaaS solution for multi-Cloud platform management and portability. In Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8135, 2013, pp 64-78.
Hasapis, P., Ntalaperas, D., Kannas, C., Aristodimou, A., Alexandrou, D., Bouras, T., Antoniades, A., Georgousopoulos, C., Pattichis, C., & Constantinou, A. (2013) Molecular Clustering via Knowledge Mining from Biomedical Scientific Corpora. Presented at the 13th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering(IEEE BIBE 2013), Chania, Greece, November 10-13, 2013.
Perakis, K., Bouras, T., Ntalaperas, D., Hasapis, P., Georgousopoulos, C., Sahay, R., Beyan, O. D., Potlog, C., Usurelu, M., (2013), Advancing Patient Record Safety and EHR Semantic Interoperability, Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Manchester, UK, 2013.
Tian, D.,Gledson, A., Antoniades, A., Aristodimou, A., Ntalaperas, D., Sahay, R., Pan, I., Stivaros, S., Nenadic, G., Zeng, X., Keane, J., (2013),A Bayesian Association Rule Mining Algorithm,Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Manchester, UK, 2013.
Sahay, R., Ntalaperas, D., Kamateri, E., Hasapis,P., Beyan, O. D., Strippoli, M. F., Demetriou, C., Gklarou-Stavropoulou,T., Brochhausen, M., Tarabanis, T., Bouras, T., Tian, D., Aristodimou, A., Antoniades, A.,(2013), An Ontology for Clinical Trial Data Integration,Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Manchester, UK, 2013.
Hasapis, P., Ntalaperas, D., Bouras, T., (2013),Leveraging Entities from Biomedical Publications to the Linked Data Space, Presented at Applied Computing Conference, USA, September 2013.
Alexandrou, D., Pardalis, K., Bouras, T., Karakitsos, P. and Mentzas G. (2012), SEMPATH Ontology: Modeling Multidisciplinary Treatment Schemes Utilizing Semantics, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Volume 16, Number 2, 2012, pp. 235-240.
Alexandrou D., Pardalis K., (2012), SEManticPATHways: Modeling, Executing and Monitoring Intra-Organizational Healthcare Business Processes towards Personalized Treatment. In Dr. A. Moumtzoglou and Dr. A. Kastania (Eds.): E-Health Technologies and Improving Patient Safety: Exploring Organizational Factors, Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Hasapis, P., Bouras, T., Deus, H., Fox, R., Kolvenbach, S., Prinz, W.,(2012), Weaving Social Networks with Linked Biomedical Data, Presented in Applied Computing Conference, 2012, pp. 333-338.
Antoniades, A., Georgousopoulos, C., Forgo, N., Aristodimou, A., Tozzi,F., Hasapis, P., Perakis, K., Bouras, T., Alexandrou, D., Kamateri, E., Panopoulou, E., Tarabanis, K., and Pattichis, C.,(2012), Linked2Safety: A secure linked data medical information space for semantically-interconnecting EHRs advancing patients’ safety in medical research, Presented in 2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics Bioengineering (BIBE)*, 2012, pp. 517 -522.
Kiritsis, D., El Kadiri, S., Perdikakis, A., Milicic, A., Alexandrou, D., Pardalis, K., (2012), Design of Fundamental Ontology for Manufacturing Product Lifecycle Applications, Presented in APMS 2012 International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, September 24-26, 2012, Rhodes, Greece.
Alexandrou, D., Skitsas I., Mentzas G. (2011), A Holistic Environment for the Design and Execution of Self-Adaptive Clinical Pathways, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Volume 15, Number 1, 2011, pp. 108-118.
Perakis, K.,Tsakou, G.,Kavvadias, C.,Giannakoulias, A.,(2011), HOMEdotOLD, HOMEservices aDvancing the sOcialinTeractiOn of eLDerly people, Presented in 3rdInternational Workshop of Ambient Assisted Living 2011 (IWAAL’11), June,2011 – Malaga, Spain
Zafeiropoulos, A., Liakopoulos, A., Gouvas, P., (2011), A Context Model for Autonomic Management of Ad-hoc Networks, PECCS 2011 – Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 5-7 March, 2011. SciTePress 2011, ISBN 978-989-8425-48-5, pp. 74-82.
Gouvas, P., Zafeiropoulos, A., Liakopoulos, A., Mentzas, G., Mitrou, N., (2010), Integrating Overlay Protocols for Providing Autonomic Services in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E9x-B, No.8, August 2012
Bouras, T., Alexandrou, D., Pardalis, K., Gouvas, P. (2010), Semantic Service-oriented Integration of Healthcare IT Systems.In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB 2010), 3-5 November 2010, Corfu, Greece. IEEE Conference Publications, DOI: 10.1109/ITAB.2010.5687766.
Alexandrou, D., Pardalis, K., Bouras, T., Mentzas G. (2010), SEMPATH Ontology: Modeling multi-disciplinary treatment schemes utilizing semantics. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB 2010), 3-5 November 2010, Corfu, Greece. IEEE Conference Publications, DOI: 10.1109/ITAB.2010.5687776.
Zafeiropoulos, A., Gouvas, P., Liakopoulos, A., Mentzas, G., Mitrou, N., (2010), NEURON: Enabling Autonomicity in Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Sensors, Special Issue “Wireless Sensor Network and Its Application in Advanced Computer Science”, 10(5), pp. 5233-5262. doi:10.3390/s100505233
Gouvas, P., Zafeiropoulos, A., Liakopoulos, A., (2010), Gossiping for Autonomic Estimation of Network-Based Parameters in Dynamic Environments, OTM 2010 Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6428/2010, 358-366, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16961-8_55
Loutas, N., Peristeras, V., Bouras, T., Kamateri, E., Zeginis, D., Tarabanis, K., (2010): Towards a Reference Architecture for Semantically Interoperable Clouds. CloudCom 2010: 143-150
Alexandrou, D., Skitsas, I., Mentzas G. (2009), A holistic environment for the design and execution of self-adaptive clinical pathways.In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB 2009), 5-7 November 2009, Larnaca, Cyprus. IEEE Conference Publications, DOI: 10.1109/ITAB.2009.5394358.
Alexandrou, D., Xenikoudakis, F., Mentzas G. (2009), SEMPATH: Adapting Clinical Pathways by Utilizing Semantic Technologies. In VassiliosChrissikopoulos, NikolaosAlexandris, Christos Douligeris, Spyros Sioutas (Eds.): PCI 2009, 13th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 10-12 September 2009, Corfu, Greece. IEEE Computer Society 2009, ISBN 978-0-7695-3788-7, pp. 125-130.
Alexandrou, D., Mentzas G. (2009), Research Challenges for Achieving Healthcare Business Process Interoperability. In International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, eTELEMED 2009, February 1-7, 2009, Cancun, Mexico. IEEE Computer Society 2009, pp. 58-65.
Alexandrou, D., Xenikoudakis, F., Mentzas G. (2009), SEMPATH: Semantic Adaptive and Personalized Clinical Pathways. In International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, eTELEMED 2009, February 1-7, 2009, Cancun, Mexico. IEEE Computer Society 2009, pp. 36-41.
Paraskakis, I., Konstantinidis, A., Bouras, T., Perakis, K., Pantelopoulos, S., Hatziapostolou, T., (2009): Towards a Pedagogical Methodology and Model for IT Industry Training: The ELEVATE Project. BCI 2009: 195-200
Paraskakis, I., Konstantinidis, A., Bouras, T., Perakis, K., Pantelopoulos, S., Hatziapostolou, T., (2009): Provision of Training for the IT Industry: The ELEVATE Project. PRO-VE 2009: 806-815
Alexandrou, D., Xenikoudakis, F., Mentzas G. (2008),Adaptive Clinical Pathways with Semantic Web Rules. In LuísAzevedo, Ana Rita Londral (Eds.): Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, HEALTHINF 2008, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, January 28-31, 2008, Volume 2. INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication 2008, ISBN 978-989-8111-16-6, pp. 140–147.
Verginadis, G., Gouvas, P., Bouras,T., Mentzas, G., (2008): Conceptual modeling of service-oriented programmable smart assistive environments. PETRA 2008: 11
Bouras, T., Gouvas, P., Mentzas, G., (2007), ENIO: An Enterprise Application Integration Ontology, In SWAE 2007: 1st International Workshop on Semantic Web Architectures for Enterprises, in the 18th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2007), 3-7 September 2007, Regensburg, Germany. IEEE Computer Society 2007, ISBN 0-7695-2932-1, pp. 419-423
Bouras, T., Gouvas, P., Mentzas, G., (2007), Semantic Service-Oriented Architecture for Business Process Fusion, Journal in A. F. Salam and J. Steven (Eds.): Semantic Web Technologies and eBusiness: Virtual Organization and Business Process Automation, pp. 40-76, Idea Group Publishing Inc.
Gouvas, P., Bouras, T., Mentzas, G., (2007), An OSGi-Based Semantic Service-Oriented Device Architecture, R. Meersman, Z. Tari, P. Herrero (Eds.): OTM Workshops 2007, LNCS 4806, pp. 773-782
Alexakis, S., Bauer, M., Pace, A., Schumacher, A., Friesen, A., Bouras, T., Kourtesis, D., (2007): Application Of The Fusion Approach For Assisted Composition Of Web Services. Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2007: 531-538
Bouras, T., Gouvas, P., Kourtesis, D., Mentzas, G., (2007): Semantic Integration Of Business Applications Across Collaborative Value Networks. Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2007: 539-546
Kourtesis, D., Paraskakis, I., Friesen, A., Gouvas, P., Bouras, T., (2007): Web Service Discovery In A Semantically Extended Uddi Registry: The Case Of Fusion. Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2007: 547-554
Bouras, T., Gouvas, P., Friesen, A., Pantelopoulos, S., Alexakis, S., Mentzas, G., (2006), Business Process Fusion based on Semantically-enabled Service-Oriented Business Applications. In the Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications Conference, I-ESA ’06, March 22-24, 2006, B ordaeux, France
Gouvas, P., Magiorkinis, G., Bouras, A., Paraskevis, D., Alexandrou, D., Hatzakis, A., Mentzas G. (2005), Web Service-Enabled Grid-Based Platform for Drug Resistance Management, Panayiotis Bozanis, Elias N. Houstis (Eds.): Advances in Informatics, 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI 2005, Volos, Greece, November 11-13, 2005, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3746 Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-29673-5, pp. 469-479.
Verginadis, G., Gouvas, P., Mentzas, G., (2005), An Hybrid Intermediation Architectural Approach for Integrating Cross-Organizational Services, R. Meersman et al. (Eds.): OTM Workshops 2005, LNCS 3762, pp. 452-460