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RAINBOW and PLEDGER co-organize a workshop on Cloud, Fog & Edge Computing at H-CLOUD Technical Community Event

The EC co-funded RAINBOW and PLEDGER project organize a joint workshop entitled “Unleashing the Potential of Cloud, Fog, and Edge Computing in Europe” at the HORIZON CLOUD Technical Community Event, held virtually on 29 September 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 pm CEST. During this event, Cloud Computing projects funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme as well as other stakeholders from the Cloud ecosystem will present technical outcomes of their Cloud projects. Topics discussed during the community event range from Cloud modelling and optimisation to edge computing, unikernels, DevOps practices, and green Cloud.

On behalf the RAINBOW Research and Innovation Action, UBITECH’s R&D Director Dr Panagiotis Gouvas co-hosts, along with Mrs Lara Lopez Muniz from ATOS, the workshop, demonstrates the advanced features included in the first release of the RAINBOW fog computing platform and presents an inside view on the RAINBOW approach for pushing “intelligence” to the network edge with in-place data management and fog analytics services.