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UBITECH participates at the ECFI Conference & Exhibition at Munich and presents its activities in FI-STAR

UBITECH is participating at the 2nd European Conference on the Future Internet that is taking place in Munich, Germany at 17-18 September 2014. Specifically, UBITECH is actively present at the FI-STAR Stand, demonstrating the company’s activities in the FI-STAR project. Dr. Anastasios Zafeiropoulos has presented the SHIELD Specific Enabler that is being developed by UBITECH R&D team for promoting, leveraging and enforcing the notion of pseudo-anonymization of end-users in the course of their interaction with the FI-STAR platform, services, applications and generic enablers. In the course of his presentation, more than 150 ECFI participants have visited the FI-STAR stand and learnt about UBITECH’s end-to-end pseudo-anynomization technologies, while Dr. Anastasios Zafeiropoulos had a series of short interactive sessions and discussions with more than 30 visitors interested in the aforementioned demonstrated technologies.
