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UBITECH undertakes the technical coordination of the 5G-IANA Innovation Action on 5G Intelligent Automotive Network Applications

UBITECH participates at the virtual kick-off meeting hosted by ICCS (June 16, 2021) of the 5G-IANA Innovation Action, officially started on June 1st, 2021. The project is funded by the European Commission and the EU Member States under the Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement No. 101016427) and spans on the period June 2021 – May 2024. The 5G-IANA project aims at providing an open 5G experimentation platform, on top of which third party experimenters (i.e., SMEs) in the Automotive-related 5G-PPP vertical will have the opportunity to develop, deploy and test their services.

An Automotive Open Experimental Platform (AOEP) will be specified, as the whole set of hardware and software resources that provides the compute and communication/transport infrastructure as well as the management and orchestration components, coupled with an enhanced NetApp Toolkit tailored to the Automotive sector. 5G-IANA will expose to experimenters secured and standardized APIs for facilitating all the different steps towards the production stage of a new service.

5G-IANA will target different virtualization technologies integrating different MANO frameworks for enabling the deployment of the end-to-end network services across different domains (vehicles, road infrastructure, MEC nodes and cloud resources). 5G-IANA NetApp toolkit will be linked with a new Automotive VNFs Repository including an extended list of ready to use open accessible Automotive-related VNFs and NetApp templates, that will form a repository for SMEs to use and develop new applications.

Finally, 5G-IANA will develop a distributed AI/ML (DML) framework, that will provide functionalities for simplified management and orchestration of collections of AI/ML service components and will allow ML-based applications to penetrate the Automotive world, due to its inherent privacy preserving nature. 5G-IANA will be demonstrated through 7 Automotive related use cases in 2 5G SA testbeds.

UBITECH will bring to the 5G-IANA project its expertise in the orchestration of cloud-native applications over 5G domain and in the development of applications targeting the automotive industry. Specifically, UBITECH will be the technical coordination of 5G-IANA project in order to ensure the delivery and the coordination of all technical activities of the different WPs. UBITECH will contribute to all tasks mainly focusing on the integration process between NetApps and the developed VNFs. Finally, UBITECH will assist in the validation of all the Use cases on the 5G-IANA platform as well as in the dissemination and exploitation of the whole project.