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UBITECH participates at the kick-off meeting of the PRIVATEER Research and Innovation Action on privacy-first security enablers for 6G networks

UBITECH participated at the kick-off meeting hosted by SPACE HELLAS in Athens, Greece (February 15-16, 2023) of the PRIVATEER SNS JU Research and Innovation Action, officially started on January 1st, 2023. The project is funded by European Commission under Horizon Europe Programme (Grant Agreement No. 101096110) , in the frame of the Smart Networks and Services (SNS) Joint Undertaking, and spans on the period January 2023 – December 2025. PRIVATEER paves the way for 6G “privacy-first security” by studying, designing and developing innovative security enablers for 6G networks, following a privacy-by-design approach.

The PRIVATEER “privacy-first” 6G security framework will consist of a set of enablers built around four pillars: i) decentralised robust security analytics, towards avoiding data centralisation as well as AI mechanisms hardened against adversarial actions resulting in privacy breaches; ii) privacy-aware slicing and security service orchestration, introducing “privacy intent” as an additional factor affecting network service lifecycle management; iii) distributed attestation and identity check, making authentication and integrity verification more privacy-friendly; and iv) searchable encryption mechanisms for privacy-preserving Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) sharing. The integrated PRIVATEER framework will be deployed in a campus-wide B5G test network and evaluated against relevant vertical use case scenarios. The security enablers developed in PRIVATEER will complement (and be compatible with)“native” 5G/6G security controls as standardized by 3GPP for basic functionalities (network attachment, authentication, authorization etc.) to achieve a holistic, privacy-friendly security solution for future networks.

Within PRIVATEER, UBITECH delivers the mechanisms for privacy-preserving attestation and identification in a distributed manner, as well as for privacy-preserving threat sharing. In this direction, UBITECH establishes the mechanisms for remote attestation of 6G services and underlying heterogeneous infrastructure (including bespoke accelerators); defines the appropriate data models for attestation, identification and certification and establishment of a blockchain-based distributed storage; and develops the mechanisms for distributed verification, based on digital trusted wallets and verifiable credentials.