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UBITECH at the CloudWATCH Concertation meeting at Net Futures 2015

UBITECH has participated in the CloudWATCH Concertation meeting at Net Futures 2015 that took place in Brussels, March 25th, 2015. The objective of the concertation meeting was to look at future directions for software services and cloud in Europe, highlighting new opportunities for novel research and innovation to ensure Europe remains a world leader. The meeting was oriented towards all the active projects that are part of Unit E2 Software Services and Cloud. Representatives from these projects provided existing research and innovation outcomes, while a short presentation of all the relevant projects that were funded from the H2020 Call 1 projects was provided. UBITECH presented the ARCADIA H2020 project, while was also active towards disseminating the work initiated in the PaaSword and INPUT H2020 projects.
