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UBITECH actively participates at the live demo of the SnR Use Case 4 on forest fire expansion threatening industrial zone

When novel technologies are implemented for the sake of search and rescue (SAR) operations, exciting things can happen in the field. The Consortium of the EC funded Search and Rescue (SnR) action joined together on the 4th and 5th of November for the project’s Use Case 4: Forest fire expanded and threat to industrial zone near the city of Corinth. 

During the exercise, a number of novel technologies developed in the context of the SnR project, such as remote sensing technologies for the safety of first responders, alarms for early warning of toxicity and radiation exposure and general inspection of the hot zone area, use of drones and rescue robots for SAR operations were tested by the experienced rescue teams of #EPAYPS and their collaborators. 

UBITECH’s team was actively involved in the exercise with its Situation Awareness (SA) model which provided situation awareness services by monitoring biometrics of actors and other values in order to provide alerts and notifications to first responders and rescue teams about critical events happening in the field.

The project’s use cases will carry on with Use Case 2: Plain crash and mountain rescue on the mountain of Chortiatis, which is located close to Thessaloniki.